
Zeerla Z&A

Conceived with our clients in mind, these wellness treatments are distinct and are performed only by therapists with expertise and experience. Done within the confines of our tranquil surroundings and complemented by the use of potent products, each stroke is administered with only one end in mind – clients reaching the pinnacle of well-being.

Zeerla signature treatments

3h 15min

Using natural products from the land and the sea, this premium restorative treatment soothes, hydrates, and nourishes the skin, increases mobility, relaxes the body deeply, reduces back pain, promotes better energy levels, relieves pain and joint stiffness, improve blood circulation, and revitalizes the scalp. Our signature treatment includes the following:

  • 45min Thai massage with
  • 45min Jacuzzi
  • 60-minutes Moroccan Bath
  • 45min Foot massage

This complete pampering and relaxation treatment care for you from head to toe. After getting your body in optimum condition, your wellness journey ends with a hot cup of calming rooibos tea served in the relaxation room. 



The detox massage helps get rid of harmful toxins in the body, improves skin tone and elasticity, promotes circulation, and reduces cellulite by minimizing fluid retention. It uses silicone cups and gua sha scraping to apply alternating pressures on muscles to release tension and built-up toxins. 



This bespoke treatment is unique to your needs, as well as your desired results. It uses a combination of soothing, flowing, and rhythmical movements with medium pressure on specific areas to provide relief from muscle tension. At the end of the session, you will have achieved a tranquil and balanced state of being that is devoid of stress.

Tension Soother


A relaxing and reinvigorating massage aimed at restoring mobility, aligning the spine and the back, as well as relieving muscle tension through therapeutic trigger techniques. It will reinvigorate and give relief to your back, shoulders, and neck.


We encourage clients to arrive 10 minutes before their appointment. Late arrivals will result in a shorter treatment time.

Towels, slippers, and a robe will be provided for your convenience.


Opening Hours:

We are open 24 hours daily.

As per Dubai Covid-19 precautionary guidelines, the sauna is unavailable at this time.

Monday to Friday 24 hrs
Saturday 24 hrs
Sunday 24 hrs
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